Older adult blowing bubbles outdoors

Every breath matters.

Don’t let RSV take your breath away.

ABRYSVO is an RSV vaccine for adults 60 and older who remain unvaccinated.

Schedule a Vaccine

Icon for important note

ABRYSVO: CDC recommended as a single dose for:

  • All adults 75 and older
  • Adults 60 and older with certain chronic conditions like asthma, COPD, heart disease or severe diabetes

Talk to your pharmacist or doctor to see if ABRYSVO is right for you.

What is RSV?

  • RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) is a highly contagious virus that can easily spread by touching a contaminated surface. The virus can also spread if an infected person coughs or sneezes and their droplets contact another person's eyes, nose, or mouth.
  • RSV can start mild, like a cold, with symptoms like congestion, runny nose, sore throat, fever, and cough. But can quickly become serious and lead to wheezing, shortness of breath, and other more serious consequences.

Get to know more about RSV and ABRYSVO

Explore ABRYSVO Patient Brochure

The Risk of RSV for Older Adults:

  • Are you 75 and older?
  • Are you 60 and older with a chronic condition like asthma, COPD, heart disease or severe diabetes?

RSV can make you very sick and there are no prescription RSV treatments available for adults.


As you age, your immune system weakens, leaving you vulnerable to a serious case of RSV.


Having chronic conditions can put you at increased risk of severe RSV.


ABRYSVO helps your immune system make antibodies against RSV.
Over 34,000 adults aged 60 and older participated in a clinical trial, where half received placebo, to study how ABRYSVO can help protect against RSV.

What are the most common side effects?

The most common side effects reported in adults 60 and older who received ABRYSVO were tiredness, headache, injection-site pain, and muscle pain.

View full prescribing information

Watch to learn more about Pfizer’s ABRYSVO

Every breath matters. Adults 75 and older and adults 60 and older with certain chronic conditions like asthma, COPD, heart disease or severe diabetes are at increased risk of RSV.

Thumbnail for video about Pfizer's RSV vaccine for older adults. See risk info.


OA. Text on screen (fine print), Audio, Voice Over

Audio: [Music Plays]
Text on Screen: One breath can delight them all
Voice Over: One breath can delight them all.

Text on Screen: Protect yourself against RSV
Voice Over: Protect yourself against RSV with Pfizer’s ABRYSVO…

[Pfizer logo on screen]
[ABRYSVO logo on screen]

Text on Screen: ABRYSVO® is a vaccine for the prevention of lower respiratory disease from RSV (Respiratory syncytial Virus) in people 60 years and older.
Voice Over: A vaccine to prevent lower respiratory disease from RSV in people 60 years and older. It’s not for everyone and may not protect all who receive it.

Voice Over: Don’t get ABRYSVO if you’ve had an allergic reaction to its ingredients. A weakened immune system may decrease your response.

Text on Screen:
Learn more about Pfizer’s RSV vaccine

Voice Over: Most common side effects are tiredness, headache, injection site pain, and muscle pain.

Text on Screen: Ask your pharmacist or doctor about Pfizer’s RSV vaccine, ABRYSVO, or visit these retailers.

[Walgreens logo on screen] [Walmart logo on screen] [Kroger logo on screen] [Rite Aid logo on screen]

Text on screen:
To find other retailers near you, go to ABRYSVO.com

1-844-989-PATH | Visit ABRYSVOPRICING.com for cost info

[Pfizer logo on screen]
Text on screen:
PP-A1G-USA-0878 ©2024 Pfizer Inc. All rights reserved. February 2024.
Text on Screen: Every Breath Matters
Voice Over: Ask about Pfizer’s ABRYSVO, because every breath matters.

Savings and support*

  • Patients with Medicare Part D may pay as low as $0 out of pocket for ABRYSVO (per the Inflation Reduction Act).
  • Commercially insured patients may be covered for as low as $0 when administered in network. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if ABRYSVO is covered (per the Inflation Reduction Act and the Affordable Care Act).
  • Additional savings and support options are available at Pfizer RxPathways®

*Coverage and cost may vary and are subject to change without notice. Reimbursement decisions are made by individual insurance plans.

Older adult playing tennis


Don’t risk a serious case of RSV. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about ABRYSVO today.

How serious is RSV for those adults 60 and older?
Serious cases of RSV, like the flu, can lead to hospitalization, and death. Each year in the US, it is estimated that 6,000 to 10,000 older adults die from RSV.
How was ABRYSVO studied?
Over 34,000 adults aged 60 and older participated in a clinical trial, where half received ABRYSVO and half received placebo, to study ABRYSVO can help prevent RSV.
What were the most common side effects in adults 60 and older who received ABRYSVO?
The most common side effects reported in adults 60 and older who received ABRYSVO were fatigue, headache, pain at the injection site, and muscle pain.
Who should get ABRYSVO?
ABRYSVO is included in the CDC recommendation as a single dose for all adults 75 and older, and adults aged 60-74 with certain chronic conditions like asthma, COPD, heart disease or severe diabetes.
When were RSV vaccines first made available?
RSV vaccines were first made available in May 2023 to protect people at increased risk for severe RSV, including infants and young children, and people aged 60 and older.
How often should adults 60+ get an RSV vaccine?
The RSV vaccine is not currently an annual vaccine, meaning people do not need to get a dose every RSV season.
If I haven't previously received an RSV vaccine, when is the best time to get protected?
Eligible adults can get an RSV vaccine at any time, but the best time to get vaccinated is in late summer or early fall before RSV usually starts to spread in communities.

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older adults